Are Outdoor Mobility Scooters fit for the Urban Environment?
Mid-size mobility scooters. 02 Jun, 2021

An Environmentally Friendly Mobility Scooter
I always had the impression that an outdoor scooter is designed for rural areas and since I live in an urban area, I never imagined that it can be relevant for me. Well… it happens to be that for the last year I’ve been driving an outdoor mid-size mobility scooter, plowing the streets of my residence throughout its length and breadth and not only that it is feasible, but it has also actually improved my quality of life immensely.
Since I have my mobility scooter, I can easily and comfortably cover more grounds, manage an intensive schedule, and maintain the independence I always had but it doesn’t end there…. Since I started riding my scooter I surprisingly experienced my residence differently than before. I found that the surrounding also appreciates this way of transportation. In the crazy race of life, it seems that it is comforting to see one driving an environmentally friendly vehicle and it represents a calm and positive way of transportation. I discovered that people are more patient toward mobility scooter drivers, show interest in them and are willing to step aside and make way. The whole community suddenly opens up to you.
The Advantages of Outdoor mid-size Mobility Scooters in Urban Areas
The advantages of mobility scooters have been spoken off for many years, but it is usually a general statement referring to the overall benefits that all types of mobility scooters can give. Due to this, I came to the conclusion that there is relevance for me to share with you my personal experience and opinion about using outdoor mid-size scooters in an urban area in order to try and give a fresh perspective of this issue. I will address it from three angles: Form, Fit & Function.
Form – Appearance
As required for its use, the outdoor scooter consists of features and functions that enhance its appearance to the surrounding. Features such as a powerful headlight, turning indicators, brake lights, reflectors, emergency brake, buzzer and more are a standard for the outdoor scooter and not always available in the case of an indoor scooter. The assumption that these features are not required for the urban outdoors is wrong. On the contrary, it is a surrounding with more interfaces than the rural areas therefore the better you are seen the safer you and your surroundings are.
Fit – The quality of the ride
Luxurious executive seat, well-tuned shock absorbers, pneumatic tires, and an ergonomic steering. These together with plastic shrouds that maximize the protection of the driver from road debris create a stable and smooth ride. The driver is not busy constantly responding to the rocks and nocks of the road like the ones driving their electric ‘walnut shells’. He is relaxed, has time to look ahead, pay attention and can respond faster if required. It is actually very relaxing and more importantly – safe to wander the streets like this.
Function – Multi-purpose
The needs of the urban mobility scooters user vary between the outdoor and indoor surroundings frequently. A scooter that is designed for a specific need is perfect for its intention but at the same time determines a more specific range of activities that can be done with it and limits the possibilities of use. A multi-purpose scooter might seem at first to be a compromise but in fact it is the best and most flexible solution for mobility. You can go far in comfort and at the same time ride into a store with no worries.
The safe driving of a mobility scooter in an urban area, no matter whether it is a big outdoor scooter, or a small indoor scooter starts with road safety awareness!! There are guidelines for safe mobility scooter driving and when put together with the right mobility scooter the benefits of riding a mobility scooter can be limitless.